[ 주제별 ]/신장투석

Unicity Supplements for Dialysis Patients

유니시티황 2018. 3. 13. 12:48

Unicity Supplements for Dialysis Patients

First of all, 
people who are on dialysis mean
that the
 kidney is no longer working 
and there is nothing much can be done.

No herbs in the world can cure.
If anyone tells you they can,
then the world would not need
dialysis treatment anymore.

The best that can be done for people like this is
to stay as healthy as they can.

The best way to stay healthy is
through proper health supplementation. 
Start of with ClearStart30 Cleanse and Detox program.
The only thing to be careful is Natures Tea.

You don't want a person having nature calls while doing dialysis.
So the best way is if the person goes for dialysis in the morning,
have the person take it in the afternoon.

If the person have dialysis in the afternoon
then take Natures Tea in the night.
The rest of the products can be taken
as recommended.

After cleansing,
 Chlorospirulina, Perform,
Salmon Omega 3, Calcium Magnesium Complex
Super Chlorophyll regularly.
Then every
 three months, stop everything.

For the next 2 weeks take Native Legend Tea or Immunizen, Paraway Plus, Red Clover Plus and Phytopath. Then return back to the regular regime after taking it for 2 weeks.

You can stay healthy inspite of regular dialysis and long-term medication. 

This information above is shared by Eddy(Brunei),
a patient who has been on dialysis for over 30 years
and has had 3 kidney transplants.

Till today Eddy is as strong and healthy
as he was in his 20's.

[출처] http://syuramakelifebetterbrunei.weebly.com/dialysis-patients.html