유니시티황 2018. 3. 19. 15:10

Snow and ice algae are cold-tolerant algae 

growing on snow and ice and 

have been reported on snow fields and 

glaciers in many parts of the world. 

Visible snow algal blooms are well known as 

red snow or watermelon snow

The color is caused by red-pigmented Chlorophyta 

(green algae, usually Chamydomonas nivalis) and 

has been well studied taxonomically and physiologically 

on snow fields. 

More than 100 species of snow algae have been reported 

in the world and they are mainly green algae or cyanobacteria. 

The snow algae sustain cold-tolerant animal and 

bacterial communities 

on snow fields and glaciers. 

The ecology of snow algae is important 

for understanding the glacial ecosystem.

Red snow (Watermelon snow)

Harding icefield in Alaska

Have you ever seen red colored snow ? 

Red snow or watermelon snow usually 

can be seen in spring or early summer 

when snow is thawing. 

Red snow is a common phenomenum 

on snow fields and glaciers 

in many parts of the world. 

Red snow is caused by blooming of snow algae

Microscopy of red snow shows red colored cells of snow algae.

Microscopy of red snow: many red cells can be seen

A snow algal cell, Chlamydomonas nivalis.

Red snow in Tateyama, Japan

Red snow patchs on Juneau Icefield, Alaska