Feeling overwhelmed by information overload? Start small and achieve more by putting these 5 scientific discoveries to work for you
SEPTEMBER 12, 2014
We're all buried in an avalanche of information,
but few of us ever act on that information.
Knowledge is power
only when we put it to use.
Whether we're reading books, consuming blogs,
watching TED videos or attending presentations,
how many of us make notes of helpful advice and
then put those notes into action? The percentage is low.
In The Little Book of Talents:
52 Tips for Improving Your Skills,
author Daniel Coyle says,
"Learning is reaching.
Passively reading a book—a relatively effortless process,
letting the words wash over you like a warm bath
—doesn’t put you in the sweet spot.
Less reaching equals less learning."
The fact is,
our brains evolved to learn
by doing things,
not by hearing or reading about them
Research also shows
that our brain is constantly recording
information on a temporary basis.
If the information doesn't come up again,
our brain dumps it,
and we forget 50 to 80 percent of what we learned.
A very smart habit to get into is
to take notes on the information
you find interesting, then put those notes into action.
To help you get started,
here are five scientific discoveries
that can help you make full use of your brain's potential.
Put the Zeigarnik Effect to Use
The Zeigarnik Effect
—named after psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik —
is our tendency to have intrusive thoughts
about an objective that was once pursued
and left incomplete.
Zeigarnik studied this phenomenon
after her professor, sitting at a restaurant in Vienna,
noticed that waiters only remembered orders
that were in the process of being served and
had little recollection later of orders
that were completed.
During her research,
she discovered that an incomplete job,
or unfinished business,
creates a discomfort within us.
It's in our human nature
to want to finish what we start and,
if it's not finished, we experience dissonance.
How can you benefit from this information?
Think about the projects you need to work on
but are putting off and
simply start now, even if you only take a small step.
The Zeigarnik Effect will likely kick in, and
you'll feel a need for closure,
which will increase your chances of completing the project.
Don't Snooze
The University of Kansas reports
that more than one-third of American adults use
the snooze button at least three times every morning,
and more than half of all people aged 25 to 34
hit the snooze button on a daily basis.
If you're in the habit of snoozing your alarm clock
to get an extra few minutes sleep in the morning,
stop this habit now.
Research has shown
that when you hit the snooze button,
you enter another sleep cycle.
By interrupting this cycle,
you not only hurt your health,
but you end up waking up feeling tired and groggy,
which will cause you to perform poorly.
If you need more sleep,
just set your alarm for a little later and
bypass the snooze button altogether.
Think "mind over mattress," and
get yourself out of bed promptly.
If this is difficult for you to do,
get the Alarmy (Sleep If U Can) app,
available at the iTunes Store.
This app forces users out of bed
by making them register a place
at night and when the alarm goes off,
they have to go to the registered place and
snap a picture before the alarm clock will turn off.
Try Power Posing to Lower Your Stress
Amy Cuddy social psychologist
at Harvard Business School,
studies nonverbal behavior
such as postures of dominance and power.
She discovered
that there's a link
between adopting such postures and our hormonal levels.
In her TED talk,
Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are,
she reports on her findings and
says that adopting an expansive power stance
(such as spreading your legs,
placing your hands on your hips or
striking the "CEO" pose,
which is legs resting on desk and arms behind your head)
for as little as two minutes
increases the level of testosterone in your body,
making you feel more powerful.
At the same time,
it decreases the level of cortisol, the stress hormone,
in your bloodstream.
Here you can see Cuddy's power poses visualized.
If you're prone to anxiety
prior to an important presentation,
use this information to help you decrease your stress level and
give yourself a psychological boost
so you can present with power.
Rather than hunching over your speaking notes
as you review them,
you're better off going to a private place and
making yourself as big as you can
by spreading your legs and
stretching your arms out
as far as you can.
Do this for a few minutes
before going to the front of the room,
and see what happens.
Know the Optimal Time for Making a Big Decision
In the just-released book,
The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload
, neuroscientist Dr. Daniel J. Levitin
says the information age is drowning us
with an unprecedented deluge of data,
while, at the same time,
we're expected to make more decisions, faster, every day.
This leads us to be mentally fatigued at the end of the day.
“Each time you make a decision, it uses some neuro-resources,"
Levitin says.
“If you spend your day making a bunch of little decisions and
it comes time to make a big important one,
you’re neurologically depleted.”
How can you benefit from this information?
If you're scheduling a meeting
during which you expect to make a big decision,
you're better off holding the meeting in the morning
when you're not prone to what Levitin calls "decision fatigue."
Other research reported in a Scientific American Mind article,
"Sleep on It: How Snoozing Makes You Smarter,"
shows that while we're sleeping,
our brain is busily processing the day’s information.
It engages in data analysis,
finding hidden relations among memories and
coming up with solutions
to problems we were working on while awake.
Sleep even weeds out irrelevant details
so only the important pieces remain.
This helps us to consider an issue with a clearer mind in the morning.
The old adage of "sleep on it" seems to have a scientific basis to it.
When you have an important decision to make and
you're unsure how to proceed,
think about delaying the decision
until the next morning.
Chances are, you may be able to see things more clearly.
Spend 12 Minutes a Day Meditating
Research reported in a recent Scientific American article,
"Why Your Brain Needs More Downtime,"
shows that as few as 12 minutes of meditation a day
helped prevent the stress of military service
from deteriorating the working memory of Marines.
If it does this for Marines,
can you imagine what it would do for you
to boost your resilience in the face of daily stress?
If you're not self-motivated
to start your own meditation routine,
try some meditation apps such as Buddhify,
Headspace and Universal Meditation.
You can also sign up for the free 12 lessons in meditation
from The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.
There are also many online meditation videos,
such as the one offered by the Mayo Clinic.
There's a wealth of information resources
at our fingertips that can make us happier,
healthier, more productive and more successful.
Two quick gateways to these resources are TED Summaries
and Useful Science
"Never neglect an opportunity for improvement,"
scholar Sir William Jones once advised.
Today, learning opportunities are all around us.
All we have to do is grab them and make them our own.
Bruna Martinuzzi is the founder of Clarion Enterprises Ltd.,
and the author of two books:
Presenting with Credibility: Practical Tools and Techniques for Effective Presentations
[출처] https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/openforum/articles/5-ways-brain-science-can-make-you-more-successful/