[ 주요영양소 ]/파이토케미컬

All About Rutin - bioflavonoid

유니시티황 2018. 4. 10. 03:15

All About Rutin

We’re very pleased to introduce this next ingredient in our ingredient series: rutin. Rutin is a plant-based bioflavonoid found in a number of citrus fruits. Let’s be honest, it doesn’t get more natural than that.

We talk a lot about elements and chemical compounds that are good for our bodies, but at the same time they are sometimes a little hard to understand. They’re all natural, but sometimes the words “chemical” and “element” can be a little off putting, especially in the world of natural health.

That’s why whenever we write a piece about an ingredient that’s a little more accessible, we get pretty excited. Today we get to talk about rutin, which is probably the number one ingredient to help prevent retinopathy, a severe eye disease that can have permanently damaging effects on the eyes.

In this article, we’ll uncover what rutin is exactly and how it helps our vision. We’ll also tell you where you can find it and what foods are best to obtain your daily rutin intake.

What Is Rutin?

All About RutinRutin is a bioflavonoid that is found in many plants and citrus fruits. To understand how rutin works, we have to understand what bioflavonoids are.

Bioflavonoids are groups of natural compounds found in plants and fruits. Within this group we find rutin. Bioflavonoids are often what provide plants and fruits with their pigmentations. In another one of our ingredient articles we spoke of bilberries and the role bioflavonoids play in that fruit.

However, you won’t find high amounts of rutin in bilberries since it is most often found in citrus (with some exceptions, but we’ll get to that later). Because it is a bioflavonoid, rutin is also regarded as an important antioxidant.

Antioxidants have gained quite a bit of popularity in recent years. They’ve become the newest trend in natural heath and that’s a good thing too. Some trends are just fads, like that time everyone thought that they could detox by taping a special tape to the bottom of their feet.

Fortunately for us, antioxidants are an important part of natural health methods that has gained some traction with users of modern medicine too. This means that antioxidants are being made more accessible and available to the public than ever before.

You no longer need to visit your favorite health food store for expensive antioxidant-packed juice, you can get it at any regular grocery store (for a fraction of the price too)!

Enough gushing over antioxidants for now and let’s get back to rutin. This bioflavonoid/antioxidant, miracle nutrient is essential for keeping good health. No, scratch that; not just good health but the best health you’ve ever been in.

This plant pigment is especially important for regulating our blood flow. If our blood isn’t flowing properly it can lead to blood clots, strokes, hemorrhages, etc. Rutin is often used in alternative medicine to strengthen blood vessels and to treat internal bleeding and prevent blood flow related problems.

It is also believed that rutin can be used to counter some side effects that can be caused by cancer treatments such as ulcers in the mouth, however not enough evidence exists to support this claim for now.

Rutin and Vision

It’s no secret that rutin has numerous health benefits when it comes to regulating blood flow. Seeing as smooth blood flow to the retina of the eye is an important part of clear and sharp vision, rutin can help prevent blood vessel diseases in the eyes.

A common disease is retinopathy, which is sometimes called diabetic retinopathy as it is commonly caused by diabetes. Retinopathy occurs when there is damage in the retina caused by leaking vessels. If not treated and monitored, it can lead to permanent vision loss and lots of eye pain.

Those with retinopathy will often see something like this. The black splotches on the simulation photo are the areas where the leakage has spread to. Eventually the entire image would be covered by the splotches, severely impairing a person’s vision.

The reason these blood vessels leak is because the blood flow is too great for the weakened vessels. Those with diabetes should pay special attention to getting rutin in their diets and make regular eye exam appointments so that their doctor can effectively monitor their eyes.

Retinopathy isn’t the only disease that rutin fights against. Rutin can also prevent another blood vessel condition called subconjunctival hemorrhage. This occurs when a blood vessel right under the conjunctival part of the eye bursts.

Often times you won’t even know a vessel has burst until you look in the mirror. If you notice the white of your eye is abnormally red, you may have a burst blood vessel. These burst vessels can be caused by the slightest of things, like a really strong sneeze or cough. Rutin works to strengthen the blood vessels to prevent breakage and leaking.

Where Is Rutin Found?

Rutin can be found in supplement form, either in pills or in our Ocu-Plus Formula. But for best results, you’ll want to take some sort of supplement along with a healthy diet high in rutin.

Supplements can be tricky because you need the right dosage. You’re better off seeing your doctor for this one instead of trying to figure it out yourself. Or, there are supplements like the Ocu-Plus Formula, which already come with the perfectly balanced amount of rutin along with 16 other vitamins and nutrients.

Foods High in Rutin

Foods are the easiest and most effective way to get your recommended rutin intake. The thing with regular pill supplements is that you’re only getting one nutrient, but with food you’ll be getting a variety of vitamins along with the rutin. Here are some of our favorite foods that are high in rutin:

  • Buckwheat (they also make great pancakes, yum!)
  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Asparagus
  • Grapefruit
  • Lime and Lemons
  • Peaches
  • Mulberries

Rutin is an essential bioflavonoid used to prevent retinopathy and other blood vessel related conditions in the eye. Without rutin, we put ourselves at risk of developing weak vessels. Don’t let yourself be quite literally blindsided by your blood vessels and give them the care they deserve!