유니시티황 2018. 5. 1. 02:47

Get Your Life... And Your Levels... UNDER CONTROL!

Diabetes + Heart Disease + Obesity

Fat / Inches / Weight Loss
 Diabetes & Pre-Diabetes
  Tired & Lack of Energy
    High Blood Pressure
     High Triglycerides
      High Cholesterol
       Poor Digestion

Clinically proven with a 100% success rate, 

to help combat today's TOP health epidemics - Naturally!

The key is in the natural stabilization 

of your body's own production and usage of insulin, 

as it relates to your blood sugar levels.


Lowers the glycemic index of food, 

and reduces blood sugar levels 

and the body's insulin response by 30%.

Heart Disease 

Lowers your triglycerides, 

improves cholesterol levels, 

and normalizes blood pressure.

Excess Weight 

Reduces your appetite, absorbs and removes fat, 

promotes fat-burning ability, 

and decreases leptin resistance. 

Unicity SLIM Balance is 

the onLY all-natural, 

medically-endorsed, and 

clinically proven solution 

to help your body balance your metabolic levels!

Advanced scientific discovery has determined 

that a significant number of people 

battle common health challenges including: 

diabetes, triglycerides, cholesterol, obesity 

and overweight conditions among various reasons 

that include an exaggerated insulin level 

and blood sugar count in the body. 


most fad diet and weight-loss programs 

target only calories or fat-intake, 

rather than perhaps the real true problem of it 

being primarily an insulin/blood sugar abundance 

in the body.


due to recent scientific studies and 

medically-proven clinical studies, 

there is 

a natural, 

easy and 

effective solution to this problem!

Listed below are 

the 10 amazing clinically proven benefits 


  1. Absorbs, removes, & helps your body burn fat.
  2. Reduces your appetite – reduces cravings & over-eating.
  3. Reduces insulin resistance.
  4. Decreases leptin resistance.
  5. Reduces and balances blood sugar levels safely & naturally.
  6. Improves your cholesterol levels (both HDL & LDL),
    and reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  7. Lowers triglycerides, and reduces the risk of heart disease & stroke.
  8. Promotes a healthy digestive function & regulates bowel function.
  9. Reduces the glycemic index of foods you eat.
  10. Helps increase your energy levels.

Change your body from SUGAR-CRAVING
and FAT-
To an efficient SUGAR-STABILIZED,
BURNING machine!

Safe, Evidence-Based, Complementary Therapy
Helps to improve: LDL . HDL . Triglycerides . Blood Sugar . Obesity

All Natural & Clinically Proven

Since being introduced in 2008, 

UNICITY BALANCE™ has quickly become 

the choice of thousands of healthcare providers. 

Because of its documented success

 in helping Diabetics and Pre-Diabetics safely lower 

and stabilize their blood sugar and insulin levels; 

burn fat & lose weight; 

improve cholesterol & triglyceride levels; 

reduce high blood pressure, and more... 

Hundreds of doctors and other medical 

and health care professionals have now incorporated 

this all natural & clinically proven supplement

 into their medical practice.

Reviewed Published Clinical Studies.


...it's a medically-proven, all-natural dietary supplement! 
Natural, safe, proven, and guaranteed effective!

It doesn't matter 

what you do to balance your metabolic levels... 

Unless your sugar levels are balanced 

and your body is able to begin burning fat naturally 

and consistently again, 

any weight you lose will be temporary at best, 

and high triglycerides and cholesterol levels 

will leave you at dangerous health risks.

It's been proven in multiple clinical studies 

that UNICITY BALANCE resets your body 

to burn fat naturally again 

by stabilizing your body's glucose and insulin levels, 

and creating "fat burning zones."

There are no harmful stimulants in UNICITY BALANCE 

that rev up your metabolism 

or raise your blood pressure 

to artificially burn fat. 


is a natural supplement and 

is considered a food product. 

It is also Kosher certified, and 

there are NO negative side effects.


to incorporate into your daily routine, 

which is one of the reasons 

why it has enjoyed such a high compliance and success rate. 


No Yo-Yo weight loss, 

healthy blood sugar and Insulin levels, 

improved cholesterol and triglyceride levels and 

more sustained energy.

The Science

Carbohydrates serve many important roles in the body, 

including: the storage of energy, 

as an important part of enzymatic reaction, and 

as the backbone of RNA and DNA. 

Because of its importance to the body, 

glucose levels are tightly regulated. 

UNICITY BALANCE is specially formulated 

to support healthy glucose levels within the body.

While essential to good health, 

carbohydrates can also be bad for you in large amounts. 

When we eat a meal high in carbohydrates 

our insulin levels spike, 

triggering our body to store any excess energy as fat. 

Even fat-free products can be harmful 

due to the amounts of sugar 

- sugars that are then converted and stored as fat. 

When we avoid carbohydrates for a period of time 

(like when we follow the 4-4-12 principle) 

our body senses the drop in glucose 

and triggers the pancreas to release glucagon. 

This hormone causes adipose tissue (fat cells) 

to release fat to be converted to glucose 

- thus putting your body into a fat-burning zone.



is a clinically proven dietary supplement 

formulated to help your body burn fat and 

support healthy cholesterol levels. 

Derived from natural ingredients, 

the proprietary blend in Bios Life Balance 

is a safe and simple way to encourage weight loss, 

increase energy, and better control your blood chemistry.

Part of a complete approach to health from the inside out, 

taking UNICITY BALANCE twice per day 

helps control the rate your body absorbs the food you need. 

Instead of experiencing an energy rush just after eating, 

the proprietary fiber blend in Bios Life Slim 

helps spread that energy across several hours 

- eliminating the need to snack between meals.

A diet is something you do TO your body; 

UNICITY BALANCE is something you do WITH your body. 

It doesn't just assist with weight loss; 

it helps reduce your appetite and decrease leptin resistance, 

in addition to helping you maintain healthy triglyceride and cholesterol levels.

Many people start seeing very positive results within six weeks, 

and many start experiencing benefits even sooner.

How It Works

At the heart of UNICITY BALANCE is its proprietary fiber blend. 

By increasing your fiber intake 10 to 15 minutes before a meal, 

you help offset what is entering your body.

When consuming food, 

your body increases its insulin and glucose levels; 

its goal is to take advantage of all the energy you're providing. 

The problem is, 

when you provide something 

more than your body needs at that moment; 

that leftover energy is stored as fat.

UNICITY BALANCE helps in relation to this in two ways:

(1) UNICITY BALANCE will slow the rate of absorption; 

     this is especially significant for high-carbohydrate meals. 

    Carbs are great sources of energy, 

    as long as they're used relatively quickly. 

    But if they're not used, these carbs are converted into fat. 

    By slowing the absorption rate, 

   UNICITY BALANCE helps your body utilize those carbs 

    over a longer period of time 

    - eliminating the need to store them as fat.

(2) The other way UNICITY BALANCE helps 

is by creating fat-burning zones between meals. 

Utilizing the 4-4-12 principle 

(where you wait at least four hours between breakfast,

 lunch, and dinner, and 12 hours between dinner 

and breakfast the next day)

 it allows your body's glucose and insulin levels 

to return to normal. 

You may not have to eat between meals 

because the fiber in UNICITY BALANCE will be 

providing ongoing energy from the carbs you've already eaten, 

and if you do need more energy 

your body will have a reason to burn the fat reserves it already has.

In summary, 


can help curb hunger in addition to help your body burn fat 

- all WITHOUT the confusion, hunger, and 

mediocre results of other weight loss products and programs.

For the best results 

take UNICITY BALANCE twice daily, 

10 to 15 minutes before your largest meals. 

Mix each packet with eight to ten ounces of 

water, milk, or juice, or compatible beverage. 

Mix vigorously and drink immediately. 

UNICITY BALANCE may be taken at any time, 

with or without food.

  • UNICITY BALANCE is a dietary supplement and a food.
  • Medication that can be taken with food may be taken with this product.
  • UNICITY BALANCE is a vegetarian product.
  • UNICITY BALANCE is a natural product;
    therefore color may vary from lot to lot.
  • Store in a cool, dry place.

UNICITY BALANCE Product Ingredients

Kosher & Gluten-Free
View Product Label 

Biosphere Fiber™
This fiber matrix forms a gel in the digestive system that traps cholesterol, bile acids and fat, and slows the rate of glucose absorption. This supports healthy cholesterol levels and healthy blood glucose levels:

Supports healthy cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels while aiding in the re-establishment of leptin and insulin sensitivity in the body:

Bios Vitamin Complex™
This unique blend of vitamins delivers to the body the necessary co-factors for energy production from stored fat:

Doctor Recommended

Thousands of health care and medical professionals around the world 

have helped millions of people improve their health 

with this safe and scientifically proven natural solution 

to many of the world’s leading health problems. 

Bios Life has been tested in clinical studies 

at Stanford University, 

Cleveland Clinic and 

Still Water Heart Center. 

Also listed in the prestigious Physicians Desk Reference (PDR); 

there is no guesswork on it's accomplishment, 

as it's already clinically proven through many clinical trials 

(of which 8 have been published in mainline medical journals), 

and hundreds of thousands of testimonies 

- with the positive results to prove it's success! 

So if you're looking for 

a natural, easy, and effective solution 

to help in your efforts to win the 'battle-of-the-bulge'

... UNICITY BALANCE may be the answer you have been looking for!

"I have been using UNICITY BALANCE

 in my practice since December 2009. 

In that short time I have witnessed transformations in my patients."

- Dr. Cathy Hart, MD

"In my 21 years of cardiology practice 

I have never come across a product like UNICITY BALANCE, 

which is well tolerated, pleasant tasting, easy to use. 

The regime is not onerous, and easy to adjust to individual preferences, 

with the bonus of being compatible with medications 

and absence of a rebound effect."
- Dr. Umesh Patel, MD      

"I am so impressed with UNICITY BALANCE. 

Besides reviewing the research, 

I have seen with my own eyes in my own patients 

the dramatic results that it has brought to their lives. 

It is such a relief to be able to offer my patients 

such a tremendous and SAFE strategy to address their medical concerns. 

I don’t hesitate for a moment 

to share this with my colleagues and 

it is my plan to see that every patient 

that warrants using UNICITY BALANCE 

will have it offered to them as an option 

in my treatment strategy."

- Dr. Annie T. Varughese, MD      (*Note: results may vary from person to person)

Clinically-Proven Benefits:

  Weight Loss / Inch Loss
  Reduces Appetite
  Absorbs and Removes Fat
  Diminishes Cravings
  Increases Energy / No Stimulants
  Controls Blood Sugar
  Lowers Glycemic Index of Your Food
  Lowers Cholesterol
  Increases HDL (Good Cholesterol)
  Lowers LDL (Bad Cholesterol)
  Lowers Triglycerides
  Effective for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  Decreases Leptin Resistance
  Decreases Insulin Resistance
  Safe for Children

How can I be sure UNICITY BALANCE works?

Before launching this great product, 

a study with over 200 participants was performed on random people. 

These individuals were asked to maintain their normal diet 

and exercise program while taking UNICITY BALANCE over a 90 day period. 

After completing the study, 

100 percent of the test participants 

reported a loss in body fat and experienced more energy. 

Since that time 

hundreds of thousands of people 

have used the UNICITY BALANCE product... 

and the success stories just keep coming in!


From even the very first day 

of taking the UNICITY BALANCE 

I noticed results, 

as I normally like to snack between meals, 

but the UNICITY BALANCE took virtually 

all of my 'munchies' cravings away. 

Following the 4-4-12 plan was the easiest thing to do, 

along with making some better food choices. 

But best of all 

I could still eat all of the foods I love 

without depriving myself or 

portion-controlling my choices into obscurity. 

One simple orange-smoothie
tasting UNICITY BALANCE with each meal and voila! ...
I'm burning fat, losing inches every day and
getting my triglycerides and cholesterol levels under control!

This is the only thing
that has helped me stabilize my diabetic glucose problem and
has allowed me to start coming off my medication!
Thank you,
Thank you so much for this amazing natural product."

- Richard M.      (*Note: results may vary from person to person)

"I am type 1 diabetic and 

have started taking UNICITY BALANCE two meals per day. 

I have already noticed a significant decrease 

in my insulin usage and my blood sugar levels 

have been stabilized! 

I would recommend to any diabetic."
- Jessica      (*Note: results may vary from person to person)

"Since beginning to drink this product 

my blood sugar has gone down significantly. 

No longer worried about Type 2 diabetes, and 

I absolutely love the taste!"
- Nora      (*Note: results may vary from person to person)

"After 2 months of Unicity Balance 

I had to return a recently purchased pair of pants 

because they were too big! 

I'm wearing clothes I haven't been able to wear in years."
- Eleanor L.      (*Note: results may vary from person to person)

"My cardiologist got me onto this product. 

I love the way Balance makes me feel. 

I experience sugar lows (hypoglycemia) 

when I don't eat on time. 

Balance really helps stabilize my blood sugar and 

makes me feel fuller, 

which keeps me from eating so much at mealtime."
- C. Black.      (*Note: results may vary from person to person)

"I have lost 26 lbs. and 

have cut back on my insulin by 10 units 

and I have my energy back 

thanks to Unicity Balance. 
- Robert Tenney      (*Note: results may vary from person to person)

"I remember when I was fat, 

and I would have paid any amount of money 

to feel the way that I do now."
- Roy R.      (*Note: results may vary from person to person)

"I will continue to take Unicity Balance 

because it curbs my appetite with no jitters, 

it tastes delicious, but more importantly, 

it has improved my quality of life."
- Rolanda B.      (*Note: results may vary from person to person)

"This has been an awesome, exciting journey! 

Following the 4-4-12 plan was truly simple. 

I am so happy with my results. Thank you!"
- Lucinda L.      (*Note: results may vary from person to person)

"This is the best product 

that I have ever used.

 I am no longer on diabetes meds. 

Its been a God send to me." 
- M. Redmond.      (*Note: results may vary from person to person)

Of course results from the product 

will always vary from individual to individual. 

But the above listed testimonials are quite common 

in the feedback we receive.


is a more cost-effective and affordable solution 

to NATURALLY combat some of the modern-day health challenges.

Questions & Answers:

Q: Do I have to maintain a strict diet 

     while on the UNICITY BALANCE program?

A: No. The power of the Balance product is 

    that the common regiments of calorie-counting, 

    food deprivation and food ommission 

    are not required like in other programs to achieve success. 

    The Balance product will work regardless of lifestyle. 

   However, to maximize results 

   the following 5 tips will help 

   to dramatically accelerate the program:

  1. Have a high protein breakfast.
  2. Take UNICITY BALANCE 15 minutes
    prior to your lunch and dinner.
  3. Space your meals appropriately apart
    to maximize fat-burning (4-4-12 rule).
  4. Increase your physical activity.
  5. Decrease junk food
    (Drink lots of water & reduce soda / sports energy drinks).

UNICITY BALANCE is scientifically created
to work best with sensible food choices
in conjunction with the 4-4-12 fat-burning method.

The good news, 

unlike every diet program, 

is that you do not have to deny yourself 

any of your favorite foods nor restrictively portion-control 

each meal to lose inches and

 to feel more healthy. 

In most situations 

you do not have to change anything at all, 

other than to simply add a serving of UNICITY BALANCE 

to your normal lunch and supper menu.

Q: Can I expect to see changes 

      in my glucose/triglyceride/cholesterol levels quickly?
A: Depending upon the health and conditioning of your body, 

it is not uncommon to see results quickly regarding these levels. 

Although 90 days is strongly recommended 

to assist you body in achieving an enhanced improvement 

in the regulation of your glucose measurements, 

it is not uncommon at all 

to notice very positive responses even 

within the first 30 days. 

Modifying your food choices to healthier selections 

in conjunction with UNICITY BALANCE 

will speed up this process even more dramatically.

Q: If my body has an excess of fat storage, 

can I expect to see the weight scale drop 

each and every day?
A: Weight-loss will track slower than inch-loss, 

which is why body-size measurements 

will more effectively track your success progress. 

The power of the product effectively 

promotes the balancing of glucose levels, 

enhancing fat-burning, 

and thereby to promote effective inch-loss. 

Many diets and other 'weight-loss' products 

deceptively cause either a loss 

in water retention or muscle-mass 

as a result to artificially show a drop in weight. 

Fat on the other hand is far less heavier 

in the body than water or muscle. 

The real objective for most people is 

of course glucose management, 

inch-loss, and as a result weight-loss. 

Consequently weight-reduction will 

always follow the reduction and 

removal of excessive stored fat within the body. 

To accurately monitor progress, 

we strongly advocate that 

everyone do a full measurement of their body 

(neck, chest, arms, legs, stomach, hips, etc.) 

on a weekly basis 

to more properly track their progress and success 

(and peeking at the scale on a periodic basis 

should also bring a really big smile to your face as well).

[Read More]

Q:  When will I experience results?

A:  Results will vary but you can expect 

to be a healthier you in as short as a few days, 

and many consumers of UNICITY BALANCE 

have reported noticeable glucose-level benefits 

in little as 30 days. 

In fact, 

you might expect to feel results 

with the first packet of UNICITY BALANCE you try, 

but a 90-day regime is strongly recommended 

to experience significant and lasting results. 

But even from the first day, 

you should feel the satiating effects and 

improved glycemic control 

which will get even better moving forward.

Have you tried 

fad diets, 

starvation diets, 

sugar-deprivation diets, 

fat deprivation diets, 



or a combination of them all? 

Have you had marginal success 

in your diet attempts, 

but afterwards found yourself right back 

where you started... or worse? 

There is a scientific reason 

why all of these programs are not as successful as expected. 

The answers are found 

in the way you body uses insulin and 

how it reacts with glucose and the foods you eat. 


builds upon the scientific workings 

of your body's natural systems, 

and promotes the natural fat-burning abilities

 to combat high triglycerides, 

high cholesterol, diabetes, 

heart disease, 


obesity and related disorders.

Multimedia Presentation Library:

The World's 3 Major Health Epidemics

Diabetes + Heart Disease + Obesity.

(formerly Bios Life SLIM)

The world's only all-natural, clinically proven solution to the world's 3 major health epidemics.

18 Minute Overview

Learn exactly how Unicity Balance (Bios Life SLIM) works in your body and why so many medical professionals are recommending it as the definitive solution.

7 Minute Overview

"In a hurry? Watch this condensed video to learn how Unicity Balance (Bios Life SLIM) works, and why so many medical professionals are recommending it.

Want to see more videos and testimonies?
Click to learn even more about the unparalleled health benefits which can be acheved through the power and simplicity of the Bios Life SlimG program.

Science unlocks the mysteries of 

Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Obesity!

Unicity Balance is the only 


clinically-proven answer 

to assist in the solution...   

Naturally, safely, and effectively!

[출처] http://www.thelifetree.com/fatloss.htm