The UCSD Statin Study group, headed by Beatrice A. Golomb, MD, PhD, has actively been researching statin medications and their risk-benefit balance, including possible side effects. We believe it is important to understand all of the benefits and adverse events of statins. Accordingly, our work is geared towards expanding knowledge of the impact of statins in order to better inform the public and the medical community.
While many physicians (and experts in heart disease and cholesterol) are familiar with the benefits of statins, they are often unfamiliar with the adverse experiences that many people have reported. These include: muscle pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, peripheral neuropathy, memory/thinking problems, and mood/personality changes among other symptoms.
Previously, we conducted a "randomized controlled trial" of persons living in San Diego, examining effects of low dose statins on thinking, mood, behavior, and quality of life. This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health. Analysis and study reports of our randomized trial are ongoing.
We are currently undertaking a separate, observational study, The Statin Effects Study. We are interested in the experiences of people presently or formerly on statins, who have noticed any side effects (or benefits) while on these drugs. We are also interested in hearing from people who did not notice any change in order to to help identify characteristics that may predict risks and benefits while on statins.
If you would like to share your experience on statins with us,
please email us at
and/or complete an online (paperless) survey at
This observational study was previously partially funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Faculty Scholar Award. Currently, this effort is without funding and relies on volunteer time and kind donations to help cover costs (we do not accept the financial support of drug companies). Visit our "Contribute" page to learn more.
● February 13, 2008 Update ●
Our study was recently mentioned in the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal about statins and memory loss. Dr. Beatrice Golomb was also interviewed on Good Morning America. The video, located on the right of the screen, can be seen here.
Articles published from the UCSD Statin Study:
"Simvastatin but Not Pravastatin Affects Sleep: Findings from the UCSD Statin Study" (AHA Abstract)
"Do Low Dose Statins Affect Cognition? Results of the UCSD Statin Study" (AHA Abstract)
"Statins lower blood pressure: Results of the UCSD Statin Study" (AHA Abstract)
"Study Design. The UCSD Statin Study: A randomized controlled trial assessing the impact of statins on noncardiac endpoints" (Control Clin Trials)
Conceptual Foundations of the UCSD Statin Study: A Randomized Control Trial Assessing the Impact of Statins on Cognition, Behavior, and Biochemistry" (Arch Intern Med)
Articles published from the UCSD Statin Effects Study:
"Physician Response to Patient Reports of Adverse Drug Effects" (Drug Safety)
"Implications of statin adverse effects in the elderly" (Expert Opin Drug Saf)
"Lack of Physician Response Toward Perceived Statin Adverse Events" (AHA Abstract)
"Low and Lowered Cholesterol and Total Mortality" (J Am Coll Cardiol)
"Severe irritability associated with statin cholesterol-lowering drugs" (Q J Med)
"Statin Adverse Effects: Implications for the Elderly" (Geriatric Times)
"Clinical Characteristics of 1053 Patients with Statin-Associated Muscle Complaints (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol)
"Statin Associated [Muscle] Adverse Events" (AHA Abstract)
"Low cholesterol and violent crime" (J Psychiatric Res)
"Low cholesterol and violence: Is there a connection?" (Ann Intern Med)
● January 10, 2008 Update ●
We presented an abstract, entitled "Simvastatin but Not Pravastatin Affects Sleep: Findings from the UCSD Statin Study," at the November 2007 American Heart Association annual meeting. You can read more about it at Medpage Today and/or contact us and we will send you a copy of the abstract!
● August 24, 2007 Update ●
We had a publication, entitled " Physician Response to Patient Reports of Adverse Drug Effects," in the August issue of the journal, Drug Safety. You can read more about the article in the Washington Post and/or contact us!
If you would like to share your experience on statins with us, please visit our Contribute page or the online (paperless) survey at
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