[미네랄] 망간 (Mn : manganese) 망간은 포유동물의 조직에 광범위하게 분포되어 있으며 특히 골격, 뇌하수체, 송과체, 유선 등에 그 농도가 높은데 성인의 경우 망간의 총 함량은 약 10g 인 것으로 추산한다. 종유한 생리작용으로는 성장, 골격형성 및 발달, 생식기능(고환의 발육및 난소의 기능), 중추신경계의 기능에 주.. [ 주요영양소 ]/미네랄 2018.04.10
All About Zinc All About ZincZinc is another one of the important ingredients in our Ocu-Plus Formula. You may be thinking that zinc would make a terrible ingredient in anything that isn’t a battery. You’d be almost right. Zinc, as shown by this pie chart, is not often used or associated with agriculture. Zinc’s biggest use is in rubber products. But here’s the catch: this is a very v.. [ 주요영양소 ]/미네랄 2018.04.10
All About Selenium All About SeleniumSelenium is a trace mineral that is absolutely essential to the body. I know, we’ve said that about every trace mineral and ingredient for our Ocu-Plus Formula but it is simply the truth. Many people are under the impression that because a mineral is only found and required in trace amounts in our bodies then that must mean that if we don’t have it, it’s.. [ 주요영양소 ]/미네랄 2018.04.10