[ 주제별 ]/다이어트

The Make Life Better Transformation.

유니시티황 2018. 3. 22. 03:35

Unicity International recently announced
the launch of their new,
revolutionary full-body improvement program:
The Make Life Better Transformation.

This clinically proven transformation program is
a custom lifestyle shift that,
through a 13-week program,
helps people change their bodies
from the inside out,
leading to sustainable weight loss and
health benefits.

The Make Life Better Transformation,
which was introduced
at Unicity’s 2011 Leadership Summit,
uses a combination of nutrition changes,
world-class health management products, and
a personal coach
to help each person achieve
their health and fitness goals.

Goals include drastically
improving glucose levels, cholesterol, and
other lipid levels.

Once these lipid levels are changed,
the body naturally begins to lose weight and
produces natural energy.

Once enrolled in the program,
participants will log in to MakeLifeBetter.com and
begin using the “Transformation Tracker.”

This will allow the participant to
log what they eat,
how much they sleep, and
what exercises they do in a given day.

Their personal coach will use this information
to tailor a custom plan for each participant
by suggesting foods, workouts, and
other things that will improve their health and vitality.

“This is more than just a diet change or
an exercise program.” said
Clive Winn, Senior Vice President
at Unicity and participant in the program

“It is a whole lifestyle change.
Sure you will lose weight, but
that is just the beginning.

Your cholesterol levels improve,
your blood sugar and glucose levels are regulated,
your risk of diabetes, stroke, and heart attack are lessened.

It is truly a full body Transformation.
I have been finished with the program
for more than three months now, and
I still maintain the habits I formed
during the Transformation experience.
It has changed my whole life.”

Many other people have shared stories of success
from their Transformation experience.

Daniel Hood lost 57 pounds
as part of the Transformation program,
and his cholesterol levels went
from 172 to 111.

Cheryl Smart lost 18 pounds,
cholesterol dropped
from 235 to 153, and
triglyceride levels went
from 371 to 63.

Jeff Heninger,
who lost 25 pounds on the program,
stated “My fitness level is near
what I was experiencing
in my mid 20’s.
This has been a fitness transformation,
a body transformation, and
a psychological transformation for me.”

Unicity continues to
see the Transformation experience change people’s lives
as they commit to the program.

CEO Stewart Hughes summed up
the experience by saying
“give us 13 weeks of your life, and we’ll give you a new life.”

Unicity will be holding events in over 30 cities
during the month of January
to promote the launch of the Make Life Better Transformation.
For a full list of dates and cities,
visit the Make Life Better website.

About Unicity International: 
Unicity International is a worldwide leader in nutritional and personal care products. The company’s mission is to “Make Life Better”, which they attempt to do by helping people look better, feel better, and live better. Recent products like Matcha and Slim G have even helped those with diabetes to stabilize their blood sugar and glucose levels. To learn more about Unicity and its products, visit http://www.unicity.net.
