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17 Reasons That Cause Struggling in MLM

유니시티황 2018. 3. 20. 23:31

Struggling in MLM? . . . Well you're not alone.  Many of us joined our MLM companies with our goals in mind. We know all we had to do was this or that and we will see positive results.

When you first were introduced your MLM company you couldn't believe how simple it was . . . and that thinking is the start of your ending.  You confuse the term "simple" with "easy".  MLM is simple, but not easy. 

The following reasons are why people are struggling in MLM . . . also steps how to reduce the struggle.

Reasons That Cause Struggling in MLM

Employee Mindset

You join a network marketing company then do most of the necessary steps toward residual income (or to hit the next rank in your company).

Two weeks, three weeks, then one month goes by and you don't see the results you thought you should've seen so you slack off. Yes most MLM's give you the opportunity to profit early, but one of the main goals is to build a team.  Employees expect to get paid shortly after they start the job.

Business owners invest in their business first, invest time (months), while understanding their profits come later.  Stopping being unrealistic.

If you want a residual income of four or five figures per month and be in a position to:

  • Quit your job
  • Spend more time with family
  • Vacation more

Just know that these are business owners rewards, Not employee rewards.  


This is another reason reps are struggling in mlm. You have your warm market list and as you go through it you intentionally avoid people because you think they:

  • Already have enough money,
  • They don't have the money to get started,
  • They may laugh at you,
  • They may discourage you, Etc.

I'm sure you can look at yourself and find many reasons you could have used not to join, but yet something appealed to you.

You never know who you'll introduce this business to that dreams bigger, thinks bigger and needs this more than you.

Not Taking  Responsibility

The 3rd reason that causes struggling in mlm is not taking responsibility for your actions.  Have you ever met someone that always had an excuse why they didn't do something they was supposed to do?

There is a saying, “Winners is find a way, Losers find the blame.”  Stop blaming others for things that are in your control. If you really want to be successful, what could stop you from:

  • Calling into a team call
  • Going to a team meeting
  • Calling just one more person on your list, etc.
  • Calling yourupline for encouragement

The above are all things in your control that don't require you to depend on others to do it.

No Self Development 

Imagine if you were on the swim team and at the swim competition you didn't perform as well as you could've.  You don't go home read a bunch of motivational books and go back next week and compete in the same race hoping to perform better.

Just like you to work on yourself to perform better in that swim meet, make sure you work on yourself.

Invest time in learning how to create relationships, learning your products, reading books and implement what you learn.

Slot Machine Mentality

Some of you join the business just to see if you're going to be successful. 

You're hoping that this finally will be the one that will get you out of your job, or the one that will help you make a profit easier.

Lottery Ticket Mentality

The sixth reason that causes struggling in mlm in the lottery ticket mentality.  You treat this opportunity like a lottery ticket or scratch off hoping to get lucky.

If you ask any successful network marketer how they got where they are I guarantee you that the word "luck" would be nowhere in the explanation.

Work is required.

Text / E-Mail 

Contrary to most network marketing methods most people are nervous about contacting their friends and family.

So they send mass emails and texts to everyone hoping someone would call them back.

The mass contact method is impersonal and often never works

Following Up 

You may have showed someone your opportunity. Some say, "yes" and you allow them to purchase your product or get on your team.

Some say no and you send them on their way. But there are some that say, "maybe", or "get back with me". Most prospects don't sign-up on the first exposure.

Follow up with them and answer their questions. Keep inviting them. If they were serious, they'll eventually join you.  Those that aren't, won’t join you and eventually will tell you are start ignoring your phone calls.

Friends and Family 

Many reps are somewhat scared to approach their friends and family. The reason for this is because they think their friends and family already view them in a certain light and that could be intimidating.

On the other hand they know their friends and family better than anyone else so they prejudge on who wouldn't be interested.

Even if you think they won't be interested, as a close friend or family member you can at least let them know what you're doing.

Lying to Your Upline

If your spline asked how many people did you call today, put on your list, or presented to.  

You being untruthful and say you showed a specific amount  of people . . . then make up an excuse for why each of them didn't want to look at the opportunity.

Your upline wouldn't know what to help you with if you don't give them the real issues you're dealing with.


You're inconsistent. It is a fact that most people have to be motivated to get moving.

You work hard for a week and get rejected a few times, so you stop for three days.  You get motivated and start again for four days then your feelings get hurt and you stop two days, Etc.

You won't accomplish much if you only work on the days you feel good.  Believe it of not, this is one of the main reasons that lead to people struggling in mlm

No Faith in MLM 

You really don't have faith in MLM or your opportunity. You focus more on the company and industry than WHY you're doing it.

As soon as someone attacks you for doing network marketing or call it a pyramid or scam, you're ashamed to show it again.

Not Talking to Enough People 

If fast foods stores only had 10 customers per day, would they stay in business?

Most MLM companies only suggest three showings per day to be successful.

You can talk to people anywhere such as online and off-line etc.

Don't Believe in the Product

In order to effectively sell someone on your product / opportunity you have to actually believe in the product or opportunity.

You may tell people weekly about someone else's products because you're excited about it.  People are struggling in MLM because they have to get motivated to talk about their own product.

Get excited about your own product. Actually use your product and call your customer service.

Once you believe in the product people will know.

Don't go to Training 

In order to learn how to spell you had to school. Yes, the teacher went over your letters yesterday and she's going over them again today and tomorrow.

If you didn't go to school because the teacher was going to just go over the same letters they went over the day before, you probably wouldn't be good at spelling.

Some of you treat training and events like school. You don't attend because you feel they're going over the same stuff. But if you keep going and actually get involved you'll eventually be ready for most tests that is thrown at you.

No Belief in Yourself

People follow strength. Leaders aren't doing anything different then what anyone else is capable of doing. The difference is that they believe in themselves and what they're doing.

If you believe in something anytime in your life, it makes you express yourself boldly when you speak about it. Training will awaken that believe in yourself.

Don't Follow the System 

If you bought a franchise, you wouldn't tell the CEO you going to get your own equipment for the franchise because you think it would be better.

The franchise has years of success.  This is why they have the equipment they have and your company has the success that it has by following a system.  People are also struggling in mlm because they try to do things their own way and it usually doesn't work out.

If you follow the system, it will increase your chances of success.

If you're one of the reps that is struggling in mlm, I guarantee you can find at least four topics above that fit your description.  The only person who has the power to change it is you. It may be tough but it's it is worth it. Reach out to your up line and get help from wherever you can because the rewards outweigh the struggle.

[출처] http://www.richmentorship.com/struggling-in-mlm.html